Saturday, November 29, 2008

*the Newness*

Well, it's been a long time. . .I do agree. But there is newness in the air. . .freedom of the unknown. . .the paths of life have been interesting. . .a continuing adventure rooted in the mountains and rivers of California. I have a bit to update, but am currently in transition. . .ending an AmeriCorps program in Humboldt County and moving to who knows what and where! Check out my new website for now: . .and updates and scans of sketches from the past year to come soon.

Peas and carrots,


P.S. My art portfolio is still under construction. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

plaupkali xaikalitag POICHGAITHVIT [url=]iziananatt[/url] UrbapsVardlar fupeAdefdor